Page 6 - Embark-Annual-Report-Flipbook
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Data-Informed, Outcomes-Driven Treatment
Embark uses outcomes surveys to collect data in a process called feedback-informed treatment (FIT). FIT, an evidence-based approach to behavioral health5, relies on objective measurement to assess client perception of the therapeutic relationship, assess client and family growth, and provide data
to drive treatment planning in real time. Data are also aggregated to track program effectiveness across our client population.
Data Collection and Methods
Our data collection approach follows an administration protocol using validated measurement tools and surveys.
Embark data-collection methodology: We chose our outcomes measurement tools and surveys based on their empirical reliability, validity, and brevity. Several tools reflect internationally validated outcomes measures as well. Tools and surveys used are age appropriate. Table 1 provides a summary.
Note: This report contains results from Embark’s key clinical outcomes surveys. Information about more surveys not mentioned in this report are online. Visit the Embark outcomes webpage at
Table 1: Measurement Tools and Surveys Administered During Treatment
   Youth Outcome Questionnaire (Y-OQ)/Outcome Questionnaire (OQ)
Youth Outcome Questionnaire, Therapeutic Alliance (Y-OQ TA)
Youth Outcome Questionnaire 2.01 (Y-OQ 2.01)
Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7)
World Health Organization Wellbeing Index (WHO-5)
Family Assessment Device, General Functioning (FAD-GF)
Behavioral functioning and distress
Client and parent therapeutic relationship
Parent perception of child’s behavioral functioning and distress
Depression severity and suicidality Anxiety severity
Family distress
Measuring Lasting Change: The Embark Behavioral Health Annual Outcomes Report

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