Care at Home by JFS

Bloomfield, CT

The Challenge

Care at Home by JFS is a home care agency offering life-care services for older adults and their families. These services are provided by their team of homemakers, personal assistants, and live-in caregivers. Not only were they looking for an overhaul of their existing website, but they had a much bigger problem: their existing brand identity was causing confusion with their customers. Competition was nearby and they were losing market share. The goal was to create brand clarity and incorporate the new branding assets designed by PD’s creative team, modernize the site and also provide a seamless content hierarchy.

The Solution

Our approach was to incorporate imagery that would convey the Care at Home by JFS agency’s mission to potential clients and their caregivers. The messaging behind the imagery and the overall look and feel of the website conveys a sense of caring and compassion as well as the diversity and inclusivity that is part of the culture at JFS. Although Care at Home was part of the Jewish Family Services family of services, it was not an agency that exclusively served the Jewish community. This new web presence and brand needed to transcend toward a much more diverse customer and service provider population.

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Brand Clarity

The original brand name of the organization was JFS Care at Home and at some point, through a combination of less than optimal brand imagery and content, the perception of what Care at Home was all about became cloudy with regards to the demographic that they served. Due to it’s close alignment with Jewish Family Services, the PD team needed to maintain a connection while also de-emphasizing the relationship and thus established a brand hierarchy that better communicated that their reach was going to be much bigger than just the senior Jewish community. A brand evolution was in order and the PD team delivered with a robust web platform and updated brand refresh to boot.

Visuals Matter

The market for adults that want to age in place is growing at a rapid pace. Adult children that care for their aging parents also make up a large target demographic for Care at Home by JFS, especially considering that people are living longer, and prefer to stay at home if they can in their later years. Finding the right imagery to align with the messaging is critical. The PD team established new brand guidelines so that all marketing collateral would be consistent going forward.