Urban Community Alliance

New Haven, CT

The Challenge

Dr. Maysa Akbar was acquiring two local non-profits and merging them and tasked Peralta Design with a brand launch that included naming and branding the newly formed organization. New Haven Family Alliance (NHFA) and Veterans Empowering Teens Through Support (V.E.T.T.S.™) were merging and couldn’t afford to lose any brand equity in the process. Their mission is to empower families of color through various programs and mentorship initiatives. In addition to the brand launch, the new organization was in need of a responsive website that would communicate the news of this merger, while also reassuring everyone that their mission to the community they hoped to serve was still top priority. Once branded and launched, a digital strategy was also going to be needed.

The Solution

After careful consideration to retain brand equity, the PD brand team named the newly formed non-profit organization the Urban Community Alliance (UCA). The PD web team built UCA’s new website, applying the newly designed brand guidelines throughout the web user experience. In addition, PD integrated a third party platform that allowed UCA to accept donations. The website also enabled them to share employment opportunities, promote upcoming events and engage potential mentees furthering UCA’s impact on the community.

Execution time: 0.0320 seconds

The Magic of Motion Graphics

In addition to establishing an entirely new corporate brand identity package for UCA that included retractable banners and PPT templates, PD needed to create a video that was to be played at the launch party. This motion graphic animation visually showed how both The VETTS program and the New Haven Family Alliance came together to become UCA. You can see how the color palette for UCA was inspired by the VETTS program’s color palette. Breadcrumb trails in branding are a good way to maintain brand equity.

Ongoing Social Media Maintenance

The PD digital team continues to meet monthly with leadership at UCA in order to continue maintaining a strong digital presence for UCA across social media platforms. Since UCA’s target demographic is an at-risk teenager and their parents, being active on social media is the most effective way for UCA to stay relevant and connected to those they serve.