Brand University

Launch Your Brand Course

Course Material Worksheets

Thanks for attending our workshop, we’re excited for your consult. Fill out this form to receive access to four worksheets and pick two to complete.

Brand Story

Your story is the narrative that will define your business. This workshop highlights that by bringing your brand’s values to life through your unique experiences and future destinations.

Brand Identity

This is important for establishing the image of your business. This workshop will give you a clearer understanding of your target audience, as well as how to differentiate yourself.


It’s said that those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Start taking off by honing in on what matters most when creating a successful website, this workshop will help you gain a better understanding of what that will look like.

S.M.A.R.T Goals

Understanding the goals of your business is foundational to this process, but it is not the finish line. The key is to understand how to create goals that can take you from vision to execution by increasing accountability.

Launch Your Brand

Fill out the registration form below to get access to the course material worksheets. Choose TWO of these activities to complete and bring them along with you for your session.

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