It was an exciting day at Peralta Design hanging out with the 2019 JA Interns! Junior Achievement’s purpose is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy. JA of Fairfield County is our local partner chapter preparing youth for success in the real world through experiential learning opportunities. Through JA’s Job Shadow program, students spend one day out of the classroom with the goal of developing an understanding of what to expect in a professional work environment, to explore career pathways, and learn from the experiences of positive community role models. We were thrilled to help develop this unique student experience with three outstanding (and very well dressed) interns from Fairchild Wheeler Inter-District Magnet High School in our office!

We started off the day by giving the interns a quick tour of the office, where they were able to see everyone in action. In order for them to understand everything we do at PD(it’s a lot), we went into the Big Red and showed a quick explainer video of what we do. Nothing like watching a video to break the ice!

We Launch Brands® Video

After the video, we had them introduce themselves and what they are looking to get out of this experience. Imani was very interested in the graphic design space, so she sat with Amanda, our art director, first. Nat and Matt had to rock paper scissors over who would sit with Danny, our video editor. Eventually, they were able to each sit with everyone of our team. For lunch, they went to Creative Kitchen, which is in our building and had a great sit down with Ramon.


Funny story time! Fernanda was managing them, making sure everything was running smoothly. The plan was to have the interns sit with a teammate for 20 minutes and then rotate. After 20 minutes, Fernanda told them to finish up and rotate as the 20 minutes were up.. 20 minutes later Fernanda went back to check back for the next rotation, and they were still with the same person from 20 minutes ago. The conversation was THAT good!! It was a good laugh.


As the day came to an end, we had them write something for us about their experience and we want to share that with you guys!


Nathanelle Eveillard

My name is Nathanelle Eveillard, I am 16 years old and I attend the school of Information Technology at the Fairchild Wheeler Campus. I have plans to pursue a career somewhere in the technology field in the future, specifically Computer Science.

However, law is something that is also in my interest. Today, I learned a lot, not only about Peralta Design as a brand, but about each individual employee and what role they play. It was a very interesting and informative experience, as each member of the Peralta team explained their separate interests, their college majors, backgrounds, and how they were recruited into this company. Every single person on the team has their strengths and they collaborate, you can tell that the chemistry as a team is strong and they work well together and compliment each other in different aspects. I found myself very interested in the video editing aspect of the company because it something I like to do, personally, so it was very cool to see a professional do it. Overall, this was an amazing experience, because this is something I can see myself doing in the future, so it was great to get a preview of it and I’m very thankful that I received this opportunity.

Matt Chaves

The drive here, for me at least, was frightening. I was incredibly scared. This was my first time ever doing anything like this.  My parents tried to calm my nerves on the way there, but I was not having it. When I got there, I was 10 minutes early and by myself. As I walked in, I swear I was shaking in my boots. Then I was warmly greeted by Mr. Ramon and Ms. Fernanda for whatever reason I felt relieved. They didn’t seem intimidating. I’ve always had this idea that bosses were these big corporate people who ruled over the employees. Like a king with his subjects. Mr. Ramon didn’t give me that feeling. Neither did Ms. Fernanda. They felt like honest, caring, people. They sat me in the conference room, offered me drinks and magazine, and made sure I was comfortable.

Naturally I was still scared to some extent, but I was feeling better. When the talking to the staff portion began, I found myself no longer feeling that fright that I had coming in. I felt like I was talking to friends, people I had met before. Not total strangers. We all had very similar interests making me wish that I had more time to speak with all them. Then our lunch with Mr. Ramon was very relaxing. He talked to us in a professional way, but it never felt like he was talking down to us. More on the same level.

I came out of this with a feeling of satisfaction. With a rekindled passion for my art and a newfound interest in coding and design. I’ve always been interested in these things, but this was the fire that I needed to really rekindle my flames.

Imani Lopez

My name is Imani Lopez and I am 17 years old. I am currently a junior at Fairchild Wheeler Information Technology High School. Throughout my time at Fairchild I have taken many I.T Magnet Courses, which is what peaked my interest in the I.T. Field. Today I was given the opportunity to shadow at the outstanding company known as Peralta Design. I was able to meet with each of the team members and learn about their individual day to day duties. After initially meeting each team member, I immediately became very comfortable. They let me in with open arms, which made me feel as though I had known each of them for years and was a member of their team. Shadowing at Peralta allowed me to see that I do have an interest in web design and logo creation. While talking to them about what they do and how they do it, I was able to see my potential in the field overall. I really enjoyed the level of enthusiasm, passion, and chemistry shown in the room. As I spoke with each team member it was evident how much they truly love what they do because of the excitement they showed as they spoke about their jobs and the way in which they all smiled while doing so. Their excitement also showed how passionate they each are about their specific job. After speaking with all of the team members it was also clear how strong their chemistry is. As I spoke with each person they told me all of the things they love to do, but they also told me the things they collaborate with each other on. It was wonderful to hear them praise one another for their different talents and to hear them talk about how they know that they can all rely on each other for a wide range of tasks.

Peralta design is an amazing company and I was honored to have been awarded the opportunity to spend my day with all of the team members and with Mr. Ramon. It was very nice speaking with Mr. Ramon about the company and how it all began. I was happy with how kind and open he was during our conversation. My favorite part about my experience was how welcoming and sweet the team was. It allowed me to relax and feel as if I was one of them. Their kindness is something I will always remember. My Peralta Design experience is one that I will never forget.


Thank you so much for coming to visit us! We had a great day with you guys. Thank you Junior Achievement of Fairfield County for the opportunity. We are extremely grateful for our partnership with JA and that through it, we are able to interact with, inspire and impact so many of the young, bright, talented minds right here in our community. We’re already looking forward to next year!


Peralta Design is an award winning, full service digital creative agency (with offices in Shelton, CT and Palm Coast, FL). We help entrepreneurs, startups, and small to mid-size businesses launch new products or services across multiple customer touch-points. We develop brand identity and brand strategy, create digital marketing strategies, develop websites and mobile apps, create dynamic explainer videos and even develop content for brands of all sizes. Our tagline says it all:

We Launch Brands!®

Need help with your brand identity or want to overhaul your existing brand? Need a responsive cutting edge web development project completed? Contact:

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