Palm Coast, Florida (September 24, 2015)— Your business is something you take pride in. You work hard to provide a top-notch service for your customers, you spend an incredible amount of time and effort to ensure that you’re producing the best quality product, and it all goes to show just how dedicated and passionate you are about your business.

You care about your business, and your clients, and it would be nice if they could understand just how devoted you were by looking at some sort of unique sign — a symbol of sorts.

Well, believe it or not, they can! How? By looking at your logo, of course!

Go ahead and ask yourself this question, “Does my logo truly show who I am as a company?” Is your logo as fast paced and modern, cute and subtle, or safe and dependable as your business is?

No? Great!

You have a chance to win a redesigned logo by Peralta Design! If you win their “Worst Logo Contest” your logo will be taken to some of the best designers this country has to offer to capture the essence of your Flagler County business into one solitary image.